tiistai 15. marraskuuta 2016

Dread system: Disintegration

Once again I made a rpg with my friends. This time I decided to host another rpg using Dread system. Now we weren't in the deep space, but yet world had changed. Virus had changed people and turned them into living deads, zombies.  And players had to survive on the collapsing worlds. Sounds epic?

Disintegration is premade scenario what I changed some during the game. The orginal versio is freeware so if you want to check it out, just click here. I used premade charactersheets what meant that every character had questions written beforehand. I think premade questions worked well and that way we got rather good group to work together. This time one of the characters was even young kid what brought some difference into the group. The others were the leader, the caretaker, the loner and the sage. And it seemed that every character had different meaning how they developed the surviving. 

Dread system itself worked well for scenario with zombies. The threat was growing the more the group was separated. And some had to sacrifice themselves so that others were able to survive. But there was always a decision, who would survive and he would die for others. Also this time there were heroic dying when one wanted to give a life for others. How sad but how perfectly fitting for one-shot scenario. 

The original game was supposed to  go slower fprward than the game I hosted. But  I think it wouldn't be nice to use dread system on a minicampaign so I wanted to keep game during one evening. So there were more zombie attacks but also other survivals caused problems since everyone aren't nice for others, they only want best for themselves.  So things escalated faster and I also picked things from the backgrounds onf the characters. I think Dread is good for that. When players have thought what their characters are fearing for example, DM can push them towards chaotic moments. And that way you can build rather impulsive game. 

So once again I need to say that I like Dread. But still I will be using another system on my next one-shot rpg. For once we will be throwing dices when players will be facing the Steampunk world.  But I will post about that game on another time. But as a conclusion.. If you love pen and paper rpg's and you love zombies. Try Disintegration. It is well made scenario what is easy to modify if you feel to do so.