sunnuntai 28. toukokuuta 2017

Back to Stardew Valley

It seems I want to grow things when it is spring. Because I am usually killing plants in the real life, Stardew Valley was good option to try out again. Still that simple game is fascinating and there are those little renovations what gives little extra to it. Like now you can date also Shane and Emily.

Being friends will Emily can be odd.

Haley  tries out  life in the farm.

I suppose Stardew Valley is a good game when I am too tired to play anything longer since you can still save the game every morning. There are still some new areas what I didn't unlock even on the first time so I should focus to explore more and to do quests. But it is taking time when I am still wanting to grow crops as well. Multitasking takes time and progress is slower. But day by day I will go further.

Emily is showing off her skills.

Fishing still gives challenge.

Harvey saw a plane.

Stardew Valley is still a game what I can recommend to play. It was worth of buying if I have been sopending around 200 hours playing that game. That is a lot more than what I usually spend with the most of the games. 

maanantai 1. toukokuuta 2017


Being a king isn't ever easy. Not especially when you usually have two bad options and you need to choose less bad from those. If you make wrong decision you will use resources. If your rescources goes to zero, new king will arise. 

Time for the second king.

The old king is haunting the living ones.

13 years he lasted before dying.

Reigns is an indiegame what has a simple idea but it isn't too easy anyways. You need to keep your king alive and every year you're making a choice. Sometimes they bring resources (money, religion, army or people) but usually they uses one or more from those. So you need to find a balance because if one of the resources will go to zero, your time of ruling ends.  And be careful.. always the decision what sounds good isn't any better than the other ones.

Decisions decisions..

What a destiny to become lost.

Lost in the dugneon.

For once the kingdom remained over ten years.

Reigns is nice game when you have short time to play  or you do not want to take things too seriously. But just remember.. Decisions made by ealier kings bight stillf affect in the future so you should also always think about the options. For some reason my kindgoms usually fall before they have seen ten years.. but still I like to return to try once again with a new king.