tiistai 11. elokuuta 2015

Minecraft minigames: Pixel Painters

When it is very hot I can't think clearly. So games seems to be more short ones where I do not have to think that much. So minigames in Minecraft server has been good ones. They lasts less than ten minutes and you can play many rounds until you become tired. So once again I found myself in Hypixel playing Pixel Painters this time.

Waiting are is full of colours.

Rainbow in waiting area.

In Pixel Painter you will have five minutes time to paint the theme. It can be anything from Pokemons to robbers. And you have simple paint tools and colours what you can use to create your own pixel art. You can use pen, brush, paint bucket, form all kind of shapes and remove parts if they didn't go correctly on the first time. Sounds easy but if you have ever tried to create a nice painting fastly you will know how hard it actually is.

Here you can see tools above the canvas and colours below it.

This time it was a tie and I lost.

You can only give one vote on each round.

When the five minutes is over there becomes voting.  On the first round there will be 3-4 paintings and you can give your vote to one of the paintings what will go to semi-finals then. And  of course you can't vote your own work! If two of the paintings get same amount of votes, there will be a lottery and only one goes forward into semi-finals or finals.

This theme was first one I won. Made goal and the ball.

Eventually this was almost tie but barely won.

Many good choices and didn't make it to semi-finals this time.

Five minutes is vanished fast and at times I had serious troubles to move cursor in game. I think it is the full server what causes lag and makes drawing sometimes impossible. But otherwise I like Pixel Painters. It is simple and yo ucan be creative and there is chance to win. It seems I am making better paintings than building with blogs. But if you have Minecraft and want to try something new, try Pixel Painter. The game even saves the paintings and gives you address where you can see it if you do not want to take screenshots.

perjantai 7. elokuuta 2015

LEGO Lord of the Rings, Story mode done

Now I have played through whole story mode which means that I have finished 30% from game. That sounds really lame since now I should play same areas through as free player mode, Open all  the possible characters, grind money for to buy everything.. So most likely I play the game every now and then when I have time or interest. A shame that Lego games always follows rather same concept.. Well you know for sure what you're buying but sometimes surprises would be good.

Treants destroys Isengard.

Gollum and his personalities.

Safest path to Moria.

Shelob itself.

Story mode was nice one anyways. Story followed the movies well  enough and there were all the important scenes added to the story (except Tom Bombadil and Old Forest). And it was good to notice that characters gets new things along the journey. When Sam and Frodo became weary, Aragorn instead gained new armor and sword. So yeah.. like it should go.

Rohirrim will aid Gondor.

Elrond advices Aragorn.

Army of the deaths.

Angles of the camera still causes troubles. You can turn camera and try to  see things from better angle but still it ain't as perfect and smoothly running than in some games I have played. So at times loss of coins was more than planned only because I fell constantly at the same spot.  But at least you spawn immediately into same spot you fell so no need to run half of the area again in story mode.

Mount of doom.

The one ring melts.

Sauron itself.

Fall of Sauron.

Videos between areas were looking cool and they were nicely done. Especially short clips about Sauron were nicely done and eye was as threatingly looking than in the movies. And when I think of all the areas there were easy to feel which were safer, which were harder. Of course game is so easy that it won't affect on playing but gives the game better atmosphere than making all the areas to look sunny ones.

Eagles saves the hobbits.

Day of the celebration in Gondor.

King of the Gondor.

Faramir and Eowyn has something going on.

Four little heroes!

So after playing story mode through I can say this is game for those who do not seek much challenges. If you want to play easy game explore areas and follow good story (beforeknown) this is for you. You better not to seek hard or tough places from lego games, except few of the jumping puzzles are annoying  if you haven't get used to play those. So game works for younger ones also sicne there won't be blood. When lego char is killed there is only small pieces of legos which are coins and perhaps one heart. So fun little game and lot of exploreing especially to those who likes to go through same areas an find all the secret spots!