If you want to play a game where is lovely but sorrowfull music and beautifull landscapes I can name you one game immediately; Child of Light. The music in game fits so well into the storyline which is sad but still you will find some hope when you play game further. Sad and lovely at the same time. So simply touching.
She finds her first companion. |
Finding a sword. |
Battles are turn-based. |
Hero of the story is princess Aurora, a young girl who dies. And story begins from that. She is a girl who shows bravery when studies the wonders of the new world. During her journey she meets company who are willing to help and travel with her. And when the game goes further, companions are truly usefull ones. Of course you can also decide not to take them with you but discussions with companions gives you more information about the story and the world.
Solve small puzzles to go forward. |
The landscape is absolutely stunning. |
The story is well-written even straighforward. |
New friends will also help in the battles. |
You can travel around the beautifull land and trying to find all the hidden spots. Usually you have to solve simple puzzles to go forward but they are not nothing too difficult to solve. At times you have to find heavy thing to keep button down, activate symbols etc. Also battlesystem is good one when you just learn how it works. It is turnbased where speedness of teh character is meaningfull. You can attack using magic or weapons or simply stay on defend mode if you have no time to attack before enemy on that round. Every spell or attack has own speed so some of them are fast to make and some takes more time. Luckily at times your companions can slow attacks of the enemies so that you will be acting first. It took me some time to realise how system works but when I learnt it, it is very handy and allows you to have various tactis if enemy is bad one.
Flying is one of the neatest thing in the whole game. |
Helping people improves your character as well. |
There is also levelling system in game and you can improve your gears. I will post more from it on next posting what I will write about this game. Now my heroeine has reached level 16 and she has earned wings. Flying is one of the things which makes exploring even more fun! So far I have loved the game. You can't affect on the story since discussions do not offer much choices. But you can always decide if you take companions with you or not. But I would say, having them makes journeys more interesting with new dialogues and they're usefull during battles also. So for now I have only found positive sides from this game. And biggest plus is the main chracter is red-haired young girl! How many games you can name where is similar sounding heroine?
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