maanantai 1. elokuuta 2016

Ropecon 2016

Ropecon is the largest non-commercial role-playing convention in Europe and it was held this weekend in Messukeskus, Helsinki. I took part to Ropecon once again and weekend was full of fun. There were several possibilities to play role-playing games and try various systems. This year participating to pen and paper role-playing games was way more uncertain since you were not able to sign up beforehand. Still I got lucky and was able to take part into four different games during weekend. Some of the systems were so interesting that I will tell a little about them and maybe write even more after I have tried my own role-playing games using those systems.

When one game usually lasts 3-4 hours in Ropecon, it is wise usually use some simple system. I tried game which used rules from Cyberpunk and at times it felt a bit heavy. There are so many lists and rolls than often it was only rollen all the time for being able to do something. And when the playing groupd was big (seven players + GM) you can imagine how long rolling took time. So from experience I always give a big hand simpler systems without endless rolling and giving room for storytelling.

But one of the best systems I tried this weekend was definetely Dread. It is simple role-playing system where players plays Jenga instead of rolling dices. If the tower falls, tha player will be deleted from a game. So it is a perfect way to bring some excitments to one-shots. Or you can deny to play Jenga when GM demands that and only accept that you will fail on that what you were trying to do. Sounds simple it worked well. And there wasn't either any character sheets with huge amount of numbers. There were questions what we answered from our characters and made the roles that way. Once again it sounded simple, but worked perfectly. I am so fascinated about this Dread that I will study more about it and keep at least one game using it. My plan is to write more how it worked then as a GM. 

But Ropecon was  totally worth of visiting and planning to go there next year again. If you want to read more about it, here is direct link what will tell more in English: If you're any kind of gamer, this is a good convention to visit then!

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