torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015

Magicka, co-op game

Magicka is something like combining some humour, wizardry.. and Vlad -who isn't vampire-. The game was released in 2011 but still it is good to play. The humour works and it was easy to play even for me who isn't get used to difficult battles (I admit that without help I would had been defeated far more often). I tested co-op game with it.. so all the comments are about that gaming mode. If I am not totally wrong there can be 2 to 4 players in co-op but I tested it when there were only two of us.  And yes I have played this game about two hours so far so..  Perhaps I will add new postings when I have tested more other stories as well.

You can play with others or even against others.

The story begins. There is humour in  the background story which is nice and so far not annoying.

First of all.. Learning to move by clicking with mouse was the most difficult thing to me. They are using WASD in so many games that I automatically try to use them.. but now those are for casting. You will have eight different elements for casting.. those you can use for yourself or against enemies.. Plus of course you can combine elements to gain new spells. and Mostly those combos makes even.

Tutorial begins from the basement. Here testing protecting shields.
After survivin from the basement you're heading outdoors.
Dead moose in the middle of the road.

The story is very linear.. I haven't finished it so far but I have tested it to sixth episode so far. Of course it is wise to look around carefully since there are some secret spots which gives you something extra fun during the game. The battles are the main thing with the story.. so get used to fight.. all  the time! When you go onward, allways stay alerted.

You can see the selection of eight elements on the left corner.

Vlad  himself!

Best place for the mage is in the front line?

Yeah.. Some battles had to redo but luckily there is enough checkpoints.
I have to say.. if there wouldn't be co-op option I would had not tried this game at all. My friend asked if I want to try it out and I said sure. and yeah it was fun to play with someone. So pick someone and try game together.. it is fun! Nordic humour works at least to scandinavians and story goes forward fastly. At times battles were rather long ones so.. breaks are good to have when playing this. At least I think so since I have no patience to sit still ten hours. This game was also found from Steam and since it is an old one.. the price ain't too much so worth of trying.

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