Have you ever dreamed to be a great huntress? Well I have but for some reason or another I haven't gotten hunting license so far. But at least now I have been able to test hunting by trying the game called The Hunter. I believe you can try it for free on Steam but then you will have limited amount of fields what you can play and animals what you are allowed to kill. You can either buy licenses to kill certain animals or simply buy monthly ticket to hunt anything you want.. and of course you will need good weapons also which will be costing more, surprise.
You can host your own small server where you can hunt with your friends. |
Server is downloading. |
I will write more about this game when I have played it further but now after playing around 25 hours I can give some thoughts about it. First impression: Hunting ain't that easy even in game! And first advice.. Do not ever run if you want to catch something!
You allways begin from one of the hunting lodges. |
Bear has walked along this path. |
It is nice to know that you truly have to track in game even that has made easier than in real life. You have own machine for it what will show you were mooses are moaning. If you find tracks from the ground it will tell what animal it is and which direction it has gone most likely. And yes.. there are differences among species.. Pheasants or rabbits are way easier to track and kill than foxes for example.
Yes.. I found poo.. and took photograph about it. |
There are watchtowers in many areas what you can use for hunting. |
As you can see, you can also take photographs in game since game looks very nice. Even I admit that it only looks nice when I am using my pc. I tried to play game once with laptop and it was hard to see even the animals when they walked in the forrest.
I haven't found all the possible animals just yet nor killed them. I believe that makers of the game has given some thoughts where animals actually lives since you can't find all the animals from the same map. At times you need to be walking around swamps or hills to find even tracks of certain animals. But I will be telling more about the various species in my second posting about this game. Then I will tell more how the hunting goes.. describing one hunting journey.
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